Associate Membership (2025)


Associate members are individuals that do not qualify as an Active Member but is a current student or have an active interest in the Health Care Community. Associate members shall have all privileges of membership except the right to vote, hold office, or serve on committees.



Calendar-year membership (From Jan 1st-Dec 31st)

  • Subscription to CABMET Newsletter
  • Attendance to CABMET Symposium/training classes

General Qualifications
Any individual or organization who is actively involved in medical equipment: repair, development, patient care, teaching, managing, or research and who subscribes to the purposes of the Association, agrees to abide by its Bylaws and meets such other criteria for membership as may be established by the Executive board, shall be eligible for membership.

Specific Qualifications
Associate members are individuals that do not qualify as an Active Member but is a current student or have an active interest in the Health Care Community. Associate members shall have all privileges of membership except the right to vote, hold office, or serve on committees.