
President - Leticia Reynolds, CHTM, CBET

I am currently in the United States Army Reserve and graduated from the DOD Medical Equipment Technician Course in September 2003.

My experience in the military and deployments helped me gain the experience needed to enter the biomedical field in the civilian world.  I started my BMET career at Banner Health in Greeley.  A little over 6 years later, I joined the team at Memorial Hospital in Colorado Springs where I am currently the Clinical Engineering Supervisor.

During my time in the HTM field, I have earned both my CBET and CHTM certification and look forward to continue to grow and promote the HTM field to the new generations.  CABMET is a great way to do that.

Vice President - Jake Urben, CBET

I graduated from Milwaukee Area Technical College in May of 2005 with an associate degree in Biomedical Electronics Technology.

My career started as an Electronics Technician with the Wisconsin Physical Sciences Laboratory in Stoughton, WI, which allowed me to build equipment for the IceCube Neutrino Detector at the South Pole Station in Antarctica and CERN’s Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland. In September of 2010, I left PSL and began my biomed career with UW Health in Madison, WI. I spent the next 5 years working in the Clinical Engineering department and helped manage all aspects of biomed operations. In August of 2016, I decided to leave Wisconsin and move to the great state of Colorado to begin working for HSS where I manage biomed operations in Northern Colorado, Kansas, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Oregon. In January of 2019, I travelled to Kathmandu, Nepal with a team of surgeons to provide biomed assistance at the Kirtipur Cleft and Burn Center.

Through my time with HSS, I have received my CBET certification and actively working towards the CHTM certification.

My goal as a CABMET representative is to bring greater awareness of the biomed field to the younger generations in hopes of providing better support to medical facilities throughout the world.

Treasurer - Robert Smothers, CBET

I’ve been a Biomed since graduating from the DOD Medical Equipment Technician technical training program in September 1997. Go Air Force !!!!

I’ve traveled the world completing various Biomed technician positions. After the fourth deployment, my darling wife convinced me it was time to retire my uniform. Since September 2007 I’ve been working with Hospital Shared Services in a variety of field service positions and have been a member of CABMET since 2004.

Since working in the biomed field, I have attended many manufacturers’ training programs and earned my CBET certification in Nov 2006. Missed by 2 points the first time, attended CABMET’S CBET training (thanks Dave S.), then made test with 15 points to spare. My next major career goal is to become CHTM certified.

Secretary - Stephen Zeien

Stephen graduated from DeVry Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering Technology in 1996 and worked in the semiconductor industry maintaining capital equipment until 2007.

After seeing many ups and downs in manufacturing, he worked his way towards the medical industry, first in medical device component manufacturing and then medical device manufacturing.  In February of 2019 Stephen had the opportunity to join a major health system as a biomed and has found a field where he can finish his career.

Board Members

Board Member, Webmaster - Logan Zeien, Security+

Logan is an aspiring cybersecurity student who is finding opportunities in the medical field, due to the abundance of PII floating around. He is currently attending the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs seeking a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science with an emphasis on Cybersecurity.

He joined CABMET in 2022 and helped them with website and other IT related work, and hopes to make repetitive tasks automated behind the scenes.

Board Member - John Jetchick, CBET

I started my biomedical studies at a community college in Livonia, MI.  I later enlisted in the Army, and attended both the basic and advanced biomed training courses at the United States Army Medical Equipment and Optical School (USAMEOS) at Fitzsimons Army Medical Center in Aurora, CO.  I taught at the school as well.  During my 6 years in the military, I received an Associate Degree in Biomedical Electronic Equipment Maintenance from Regis College.  Additionally, I received my CBET certification from AAMI.

I began my civilian Biomed career with Hospital Shared Services of Colorado (HSSC).  I worked at Presbyterian and St Luke’s hospitals while with HSSC, as a technician and later as a supervisor.  I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering Technology from Colorado Technical College during my 6 years with HSSC.

I continued to work at Presbyterian and St. Luke’s as an in-house Biomed until 1996.  I then joined National MD, an independent service organization that had been tapped by GE to manage the Healthone accounts.  After 2 years, GE assumed full control of the biomedical program at Healthone.  I worked at Swedish Medical Center as a senior BMET, and later as the Senior Program Coordinator, for 14 years.

In 2010, I began working with Aramark Healthcare Technologies, who had been awarded the contract for the Healthone hospitals.  I was a Senior HTM for 6+ years with Aramark.

I thoroughly enjoyed my career as a BMET and HTM for 43 years, and retired in February of 2017.  I have been a member of CABMET since 1975.  I have previously held the position of President of CABMET.  I have assisted with creating annual seminars, brought vendors to Denver for training on medical devices, and have been a supporter of continuing education and certification as a means of improving our standing within the medical community.

Board Member - Matt Oetker, CHTM, CBET

I graduated from the United States Army Medical Equipment and Optical School (USAMEOS) in December 1994.  I have worked on medical equipment or supervised those working on medical equipment in multiple states and for a variety of employers.

I also encourage biomeds to be involved in their local biomed association. The associations are a great way to network and ask questions of other techs in your region to get a different prospective on how the job is done. I have been a member of CABMET since 2010 and have served as vice president twice.

Board Member - Paul Kerkman

Paul entered the biomed community in 2004 when he enlisted in the USAF as a biomedical equipment technician.

This took him all over the world and to some remote places to include these notable missions: Operation Provide Hope, OIF/OEF, Continuing Promise, and New Horizons.

Paul has been to various manufacturer schools and recently transitioned into the Air National Guard, assigned to a CERFP (CBRNE Enhanced Response Force Package) unit, and received a position with Catholic Health Initiatives as a Sr. Biomed in 2017.

Paul is currently Lead Biomed, Clinical Engineering at Castle Rock Adventist. He enjoys eating delicious food, and anything outdoors, mainly snowboarding. He has studied psychology, computer science and engineering.

He is excited and honored to be a part of this wonderful society that influences biomedical professionals across the world.